Database Migration System Training Courses

When a business information system is completed, and is either released to a single large community or is allowed to be used by multiple smaller communities, the need for increased functionality always arises. Efforts are then undertaken to make changes in the business information systems.

But what then happens to the "old" database that too needs to be upgraded so that it can be used with the newly revised business information system.
That is handled through the use of a general purpose software system that first reads the old database's data structures, then reads the new database's data structure, and once a mapping between the Old and the New is created, the database migraion system dynamically creates read-transform-and-write scripts to migrate the old datagbase to the new database.

This Database Migraion system is currently an integrated component of the Whitemarsh Enterprise Management System, Metabase. It is being exported from the Metabase System and will become a standalone system. Currently also, the Database Migration System's old and new database must be defined through Clarion. The new release will be able to read and old SQL dataase and be able to write to a new SQL database.


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