With regards to pricing, a customer is a single corporate entity regardless of location.
That said, some Government agencies, at the US and other Countries at the Federal, State, and Local level are so large that they are subdivided into departments that standalone with respect to staff, budgets, procurement, and missions. In such cases, such individual departments are considered to be their own "corporate entity" customer.
In the U.S. Federal Government, some Departments construct and deliver to other Departments business information systems that are intended to maximize interoperability and standardization of data and process. In this case, that developing Department is deemed to be its own "corporate entity."
This is also true for some Corporations. That is, they standalone with respect to staff, budgets, procurement, and missions. In such cases, similar to the "Governement" descriptions above, such individual departments are considered to be their own "corporate entity" customer.
With all this in mind, Whitemarsh believes that a reasonable rate of return (USD) will be produced from the UseSupport subscriptions because these UseSupport products are of value to the Clarion community independent of their use of any of the items within the UltraTree product family. Finally, it is not a requirement to have either purchased Clarion or UltraTree to benefit from many of the UseSupport items. Consequently, UseSupport can be purchased independently.