Prototyping Technical Paper

Prototyping brings to life what you intend to construct. The tools necessary for prototyping are those that actually build a system in all the dimensions necessary for functional users to react in either affirmation, rejection or often, with a "Ok, we can now do this?"

Clarion, a near 90% zero-code business information system generator, is a commerical software product from SoftVelocity Corporation at:

In a week or less, functional experts with knowledge of Clarion can build an operational version of a set of functional requirements.
Based on an operational demonstration, users can ask for and quickly receive operational corrections, functional deletions, or functional additions. Each time the resulting prototype is both real and live.

Prototype-based iterations with Clarion not only cost a fraction of a real "first Implementation," these real & operational prototype-based iterations eliminate whole cycles of incremental implementations that previously have served only to create and demonstrate what is neither wanted nor needed.

Stated sucinctly,
Clarion is one of the first computing environments for the generation of business information systems.

Clarion is essential to most businesses because more than ever, business information systems need to be created that are higher in quality, through increased productivity, while at the same time, cost less and reduce risk.

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