Enterprise Architectures Technical Papers

Virtually all sucessful enterprises are based on formally defined architetures. These architectures are neither samll nor simple.

Rather they are broad in specification with a number of layers of artificts that are formally defined and interrelated.
The diagram to the left was created in the late 1989s and is called the Zachman Framework. It is an architecture of an Enterprise Architecture Framework.

An implementation of an Entrerise framework was created over a period of about 25 years by Whitemarsh. It contains more than 500 database tables. While essentialy similar in scope and intent with the Zachman Architecture Framework Whitemarsh's implementation is much broader and more sophiscated.

Implemented by Enterprises, this framework-based Enterprise Management System, called the Metabase System resides at a level above the traditional Enterprise operational systems such as Finance, HR, and/or Manufacturing.

Enterprise Integration And Migration Management
Enterprise Architecture A Bottom Up Approach
Enterprise Architecture Component Analysis And Way Ahead

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