Data Standardization Technical Papers

One of the most unsurprising things about data is just how many terms exist for a single instance of a unit of data and the meaning represented by that data value.
Data cannot also exist in isolation. For example can there really be just one outdoor thermometer that is equally useful in upper Maine and lower Florida. While context maters, it's important that over a single geographic or govermental area that there be one--not multiple--set of units that govern data values.

A clear standardization exists in aviation for example. The language in the cockpit is English regardless of the country thorugh whch the airplane flies.

8320 New Proposal Review
A Column By Any Other Name Is Nota Data Element
Analysis Of The D I S A8320 Data Standardization Approach
An Old Saw That Just Wont Cut
An Old Saw That Just Wont Cut Software Implementation Report
Data Quality Achieving Data Standardization
Data Quality Standards What Why How And By Whom
Data Standardization Work Plan
Enterprise Data Management A N S I Standards Environment
Standards The Enterprise Wide Foundation For Data Quality
Where Do The XML Tags Come From

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