Clarion Database Assists are accomplished through stand-alone Clarion-based applications that perform analyses on data models (DCTXs), which, by definition would affect the quality of generated SQL scripts.
Clarion Database assists are currently under development and are engineered to employ UltraTree Network data structures.
The analyzed result is a stand alone SQL database where the Tables include for example: Database, Tables, Column, Data Type, Aliases, and Relationships.
Within Columns are also its subcomponents such as Attributes, comments, Options, Validity Constraints and the like.
Each of these are UltraTree tables and sub tables and upon the analysis of the TXD, would generate an SQL Database that supports queries that lead to standardization of database structures.
Here are three examples.
Select the database tables that have a column such as mbDesc where the data types are different and the length of the values are different.
Select the database tables that have single or multiple column keys.
Select the database tables and columns that have Validity constraints with a value set that is named the same but has different valid values.