Application Assist. This Clarion application enables a Clarion TXA file to be input and an UltraTree network display of Procedures and Procedure Routines is created. Analyses are planned to analyze and display database quality. 

Clarion Application assists are currently under development and are engineered to employ UltraTree Network data structures. The analyzed result is a stand alone SQL database where the Tables include for example: UltraTree Network for the complete application, and the selection and display of varoius Clarion Component Types within their contexts.

The Clarion Component Types include for example, Procedure, Procedure Routine, Clarion Command, Database Table, Database Table Column, Data Type, Length, and Key.
Here are three examples:

The selection of TXA lines that contain a given Procedure Routine, and the display includes the Procedure within which that Procedure routine exists.

The selection of all Clarion Table Columns of a certain name and displayed would be their data type and length.

The selection of all Procedure Routines that contain an INSERT of a specific table name.
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