A common everday need for Clarion application developers is the generation of a report across a logically interrelated set of tables. The traversal across these tables is not "magically" programmed in any way.
Rather, there's the selection of the top table, the selecting of an appropriate row, and then using the primary key value from that top-table row to then construction of the syntax to select, obtain, and process the set of "child" rows. That process is then repeated for the next lower level table and its rows.
And so on through all the interconnected tables and their rows to obtain the data for the report. Tedious yes, but not too difficult. But couldn't there be a better way? A way that takes advantage of all the existing intertable relationships. Couldn't the all that Clarion application programing be eliminated? A sort of intertable row processing code generation of sorts. It would clearly be following in the natural form of Clarion from the very beginning.
Interesting, and every more, interested? Well, continue to the Why, Screen Shots, Demos and of course, Pruchase.